Dialight toner instructions
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Also available - Dia Light Milkshakes. See page 46 for instructions. Colour Out: Pre-Lightened Hair (application as a toner). I have seen some mixed reviews so I'm going to say that if this is used properly with the right amount of developer to toner as per instructions you will Whether you have highlighted clients, single processed clients, or clients getting a blow out, don't let them go without a gloss! DIA Light provides incredible Experiences with L'Oreal Dialight milkshake toners - Forums . Fastest Dialight Toner Instructions Fastest Dialight 10.12 Instructions. Buy our Dialight, part of the Salon Hair Colour & Bleach collection at Sally. Browse the site today for more great products. Directions for Use.Mixing: Dia Light should be mixed in a 1 to 1.5 ratio, i.e. 1 tube (50ml) Dia Light + 75ml of Diactivateur 6, 9 or 15 volume. Application: Wearing suitable
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